Week 2 CS Terms
here the terms mentioned from week 2 and their definitions
Scrum Process and Team Outline | Week 2 CS Terms | API Example |
list- store multiple items in a single variable, ordered sequence of elements, can be changed, lists use square brackets []
dictionary- store date values in key-value pairs, dictionaries make your code more readable, dictionaries use curly braces {}
float- this function converts specified values into a number with decimals.
for loop- used for iterating over a sequence (list, dictionary, string)
index()- built in function which searches for a given element from the start of the list and returns the position of the element
while loop- to run code a certain amount of times until the condition is met
recursion- means a defined function can call on itself
data abstraction/procedural abstraction- taking code and putting it in a place so something bigger can consume them, extract shared features to generalize functionality instead of duplicating code. Reduction of a particular body of data to a simplified representation of the whole.
sequence- ordered collection of items
selection- allows program to test several conditions and execute instructions based on what is true, selection statements can also be called conditional statements.
iteration- repetition of process to generate sequence of outcomes
range()- function that returns a sequence of numbers starting from 0 and stops at a specified number. It increments by 1.
HTML fragments- examples include: images, tables, links that use HTML