Night at the Museum

  • Night at the Museum was really fun, I got to see a lot of other people’s projects. One project that really stood out to me, was this grow that did a period tracking app, it would take in your cycle data and predict your next cycle. It also provided a lot of resources. This project stood out to me because period tracking apps like Flo have been revealed to steal users’s information and their are stories of how they reported women who missed their period in states where abortion in banned. The group that presented were all girls, and they provided a lot of information that even I didn’t know.
  • Another project that was cool was a news website one where you could input your own stories and it would show up in a news format.
  • I also went to see the other projects at night at the museum, I went to the both art rooms and also the ceramics room. The AP Art room was the most impressive, all the projects in there were really great. I really like Haeryn’s pieces and my friend Naomi’s

What I want to change for next time

  • I definitely want to have a more efficient feature next time. My feature this time was a lot of copy and pasting code over and over again to display the cards, but it’s very inefficient because if we had more than twenty dogs in our database it would take forever. I definitely want to incorporate more javascript and html together to have more “lazy code”
  • I will be doing more research on this over the break so that I can fix it by the time of the final project. Originally, I was hesitant to try it because I wasn’t sure how to keep a picture in a database.