Week 2 Review Ticket
here is a list of everything I did in week 2
Click on the titles to access!
- Python List Dictionaries Iteration Tech Talk: includes lists, dictionaries, for loop with break, for loop with index, for loop inside for loop, range function, while loop, recursion, and two ways to reverse a list
- each cell block has comments, and a markdown that explains the purpose and objective of the function
- I included pair programming by creating a dictionary and list with his and my information
HTML Fragments
- I changed the remote theme of my fastpages and took screenshots and explained the steps to change the theme. At the end, I also and listed the problems that occurred after.
- I also changed the color of my blog from white to dark purple, which I did through the sass folder!
- I reorganized my tags page so that I could find my posts easier! I added new tags by changing the front matter of my posts.
- I created a table that documents what I do each week in CS, which helps me keep organized, it helps me keep track of my review tickets, important CS terms, and what I did each week.
- Table also includes liquid syntax ↓
- important cs terms from week 2
- comment from pair is below
- I was inspired by human prep and wanted to start my own post documenting my cs journey, I haven’t finished yet, I still need to add some personal pictures, but I will keep adding more material throughout the year!